Brace Yourself: An ATC's guide to Orthopedics

The goal of this blog is to give readers and patients a better understanding of the world of orthopedic surgery as well and tricks of the trade.

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This is how it all started…

I have been an Athletic Trainer for 5 years. Of those 5 years 2 of them were spent in the college setting and 3 of them in the orthopedic setting. My time in the orthopedic office has shown me that hospital systems and sport medicine clinic can be very challenging to navigate if you don’t have a background or understanding. I have seen so many patients come and go flustered by doctors, and time, and the system. My hope is to help people avoid the frustrations of the orthopedics world and allow them to use that energy to put towards healing from injury. It took a lot off courage to start here and I just hope to give piece of mind to a few. Thank you for reading!


Athletic Trainer, Mom, and now BLOGGER